She hadn’t trained for this. Sarah Rodriguez had had countless hours of physically exhaustive training during her years in the Texas National Guard. She had trained for combat. She had trained for anything and everything...

Getting spooky during Halloween is a fun time of year but it can also be a dangerous night. If you’re out trick or treating with the kids...

Why We Walk: Phaedra Marriott-Olsen I never could imagine how much my life would change in just a matter of seconds. On May 11, 1996 everything was going as planned. My friends and I had decided to...

Her small shoes are here with me. Size one and a half, white with embroidered flowers and small red hearts across the top of the toe. Long gone...

It’s that time of year again and we need your support! To change law and save lives, we need our lawmakers to champion and stand behind MADD to stop drunk and drugged driving each and...

Technology has given us amazing capabilities. Our lives are improved and innovation changes how we work, live, play, and interact with each other. One day in the future, cars will be capable of driving unassisted...