Contact Us



Media Inquiries: [email protected]

511 E. John Carpenter Freeway

Irving, TX 75062

24-Hour Victim help line


Call our 24-Hour Victim Help Line

Impacted by drunk or drugged driving?

Get the help you need.

FInd a local office

If you have questions about a local Walk Like MADD, volunteer opportunities or events in your community, please contact your local MADD office.

To contact MADD Canada, go to

Make a donation

or mail your donations to:

MADD Donations

511 E. John Carpenter Freeway

Irving, TX 75062

Contact Us

Please use the form below. We will respond during normal business hours.

If you wish to be added to/removed from a mailing ist or have a question about a mailing, please include your full mailing address in your correspondence so we may honor your request.

Find a victim impact panel

Need help with a MADD VIP? Visit our centralized website, find information related to classes in your state and connect with a local office.