What is the halt act?

The HALT Act, signed into law on November 15, 2021, directs the federal government to require all new cars come equipped with smart technology that passively, seamlessly and unobtrusively detects and stops impaired driving.
This is a game changer in the battle to prevent roadway deaths and injuries. We are working to change how cars are made so no one ever has to experience the trauma of losing a loved one or being injured by a drunk or impaired driver. On January 6, 2024, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) began the regulatory phase, or “rulemaking,” for this lifesaving technology. NHTSA posted an Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking in the Federal Register and opened a 60-day commenting period, which closed March 6. NHTSA will now review more than 18,000 submissions and work toward a regulation for technology that meets the requirements of the HALT Act. 

Read MADD’s comment for the Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (ANPRM) HERE 

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November 15, 2024

The HALT Drunk Driving Act set November 15, 2024, as the deadline for USDOT to complete the final regulation for anti-drunk driving technology.

Did you know  this life-saving technology already exists?

Driving assistance systems

What are Driving Assistance Systems?

Technology designed for the car to take action such as lane-keeping assistance and collision intervention.

Driving monitoring systems

What are Driver Monitoring Systems?

Cameras or other sensors that passively monitor the driver, such as eye movement, without compromising privacy.

Passive alcohol detection systems

What are Passive Alcohol Detection Systems?

Sensors that determine if a driver is drunk. This lifesaving technology protects the public's safety while preserving the driver's privacy.

Testimonials in favor of the HALT Act


The HALT Act became law with the tenacious advocacy victims and survivors on impaired driving, champions in Congress and an extensive and impressive list of partners who are all willing to activate to ensure lifesaving technology become standard equipment on all new cars.

Here are examples of advocates rallying around this movement: