February 7, 2007 was the day that forever changed Karen Mertes’ life path. Karen, a Lieutenant Colonel serving in the United States Air Force, was driving the speed limit on the interstate when she was...

This is the third in a three-part series by drunk driving victim Erin Rollins: I looked the defendant dead in the eyes and read the closing portion of my victim impact statement. "Your behavior and seeming...

Don’t let the promise of summer end in tragedy.  Whether it’s young adults using prom and graduation as a launch pad to the beach, or families loading...

Skip Church, MADD President Colleen Sheehey-Church's husband offers his perspective on the tragic events and death of their son Dustin. Read below: While the name of the organization seems to focus on one member of the...

A West Virginia Law Enforcement Officer wrote President Colleen Sheehey-Church a heartfelt letter about how her presentation at a recent conference renewed his drive to fight drunk driving. Read below: Let me start this by telling...

At nine months of age, a baby builds trillions of brain connections, becomes a master crawler and, often, starts transforming mindless babbling into words like "dada." First steps are right around the corner! Unfortunately, my first...