Don’t let the promise of summer end in tragedy. Whether it’s young adults using prom and graduation as a launch pad to the beach, or families loading their cars for long-awaited vacations, summertime is a catalyst for lifelong memories. However, summer is also one of the deadliest times of the year on our highways.
On land and on the water, there are measures you can take to ensure safe and happy times instead of sadness. First, plan ahead. If alcohol is part of your plan, a designated driver, a taxi, Uber, public transportation or a designated non-drinking driver should be as well. As a parent, talk to your children about the dangers of alcohol. Set a good example too. And that goes for friends as well.
General car safety should be part of the plan too. Wear your seatbelt. Don’t speed. And for young drivers, don’t travel with too many passengers in the car with you. Whether it’s a friend or a text, distracted driving is dangerous.
Boating is often left out of the conversation. But many of the same rules apply. The most important one concerns alcohol. If you’re going to operate a boat, don’t drink. It’s illegal… but more importantly, it’s deadly dangerous.
Following a few simple rules can make your summer one to remember… for all the right reasons.
Have a safe and relaxing summer!