It’s October. The sun is setting earlier every day and when daylight saving time ends, we’ll lose an hour of daylight overnight. October 20 – 26 is...
Fall is here, which means the holiday season is approaching and there will be parties for every holiday. This October, MADD's Power of You(th)®, program reminds teens...
Erica was always known for her big heart. It touched so many people, near and far. She had a contagious smile and a beautiful soul that was...
As any rideshare driver can tell you, Halloween is a busy night. There are cars everywhere filled with people going out. Kids are trick-or-treating through the neighborhoods,...
Five years after a drunk and drugged driver killed my 16-year-old daughter, I went to work in the school system where she’d been a student. I was a college advisor, but as a volunteer victim advocate...
MADD interviewed Stephen’s dad, Michael DiPatri and his stepmom, Linda DiPatri. Stephen DiPatri: The Adrenaline Junkie Stephen DiPatri lived life to the fullest. He enjoyed taking risks even at...
We are proud to announce the “2019 Legislators of the Year” – 45 state lawmakers, three governors and one lieutenant governor for their commitment to saving lives. These MADD champions represent 20 states, including seven from...
MADD would like to thank Mocktail Beverages, Inc. for their support of our Campaign to Eliminate Drunk Driving. We have developed an exciting, new integrated marketing partnership that will remind the public that there is...
Who was Joey? My son Joey Pasqualini was born on March 2, 1988 in Sterling, VA. Joe moved with me to Vienna, Austria during high school years when I was transferred overseas with my job. He...
Last month, Mothers Against Drunk Driving joined the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration in Washington, DC, to help kick off this year’s Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over campaign. From Aug. 16 through Labor Day...