Forty years ago, a grieving mother set into motion a movement. Cari Lightner was one of more than 25,000 people killed by drunk driving in...
We are excited to announce the date and location of MADD's 40th Anniversary National Conference this year. Date: November 15-November 18, 2020 Location: Gaylord National Harbor Convention Center, 201...
March 18, 2018 changed our lives forever. It was 8:50 am on a Sunday morning when the phone rang. It was an unknown number from Los Angeles, CA and knowing that it was 5:50 am...
Five seconds. Your life can be forever changed in as little as five seconds. Shattered…and no matter how hard you try, you can’t put the pieces back together in the same way. Little pieces of...
The report card is out. For the sixth time since the launch of our Campaign to Eliminate Drunk Driving in 2006, we rate all 50 states and...
NHTSA Early Estimates show an 18.4% increase in Traffic fatalities for the first half of 2021. With an estimated 20,160 people killed, this is the largest increase in the first...