It’s that time of year again and we need your support! To change law and save lives, we need our lawmakers to champion and stand behind MADD to stop drunk and drugged driving each and every day.
Legislative champions have played a major role in MADD’s Campaign to Eliminate Drunk Driving®, which was launched in 2006. A key component of the Campaign calls for the passage of all-offender interlock laws, which require the use of an ignition interlock for any convicted drunk driver who seeks driving privileges during a license suspension period. Other components of MADD’s Campaign include supporting high-visibility law enforcement, such as sobriety checkpoints and saturation patrols, advocating for development of the Driver Alcohol Detection System for Safety (DADSS), which is an advanced vehicle technology to passively detect alcohol on a driver’s breath, and supporting deployment of fully autonomous vehicles.
Each year we ask our local offices and affiliates for their input – you are the team that knows the local lawmakers and know their commitment to saving lives. We depend on the support and dedication of state legislators to stop tragedies caused by drunk driving.
Only you know how much time and they put into working toward MADD’s goal of No More Victims®, and now it’s time to honor them as 2018 MADD Legislators of the Year.
MADD is always proud to recognize the men and women who truly stand with MADD and eliminating drunk and drugged driving once and for all.
I look forward to announcing the 2018 Legislators of the Year Awards in the coming weeks.