Your gift at work

Missouri Victim Advocate Laura Askew is currently helping a family involved in a case that began 18 years ago!
That’s when a drunk driver killed a young mother on her son’s first birthday. The judge sentenced the offender to just 120 days in prison, saying, “I know this woman will
never drink and drive again.”
But she did.
The boy’s grandmother returned to court in 2010 and is waiting to speak again concerning a 2016 crash involving this same offender who killed her daughter. She hopes this time the judge makes sure the woman can’t drink and drive again.
Despite this terrible, ongoing tragedy Laura says, “The offender didn’t beat this family. They love. They live, and they keep moving forward together.”
Unfortunately, the mileage grant for Laura and other victim advocates has run out, so they must carefully consider which court hearings they can attend.
never drink and drive again.”
But she did.
“I hate to have to choose,” she says, “But we are the ultimate problem solvers and do a lot with a little.”
Laura also recently helped set up a MADD chapter in a rural area. This new chapter creates a larger and stronger support network for victims. She says, “I’m proud and relieved. I cannot be everywhere, and they need support!”
Your gift makes it possible for victim advocates across the country to attend court hearings, find resources and offer emotional
support to assist victims and survivors of drunk driving.