Summertime, more than other times presents a unique challenge to parents — keeping our kids safe on the roads despite an uptick in teen driving deaths. That's what...
Year: 2018
Your gift at work Missouri Victim Advocate Laura Askew is currently helping a family involved in a case that began 18...
Facts A car crashed into a gas station Thursday, hitting a fuel pump, sparking a fire and killing a woman who became trapped inside the burning service station,...
Like with any crash, the unexpectedness of the event adds to the tragedy. That's what Lourdes Salgado sadly discovered with the death of her father. In Houston in 2012, Arnold, a hard-working family man, was returning home...
It's that time again! Let's vote! Even while the 2018 Walk Like MADD season is in full swing, we've started looking forward to the 2019 season. Our Walks...
Meet Aaron Our names are Fred and Margaret Carrillo. Nearly seven years ago on July 8, 2011, our son, Aaron Carrillo and his friend Jon Cervoni, both...
A JULY TO REMEMBER…………..ALWAYS By Colleen Sheehey-Church Mothers Against Drunk Driving National President I hope you don’t mind if I just...
At, we have empowered tens of thousands of drivers to get their licenses, renew their car registrations, enroll in traffic school, study for their driving tests and more. With our help, these...
Velodyne & MADD San Francisco Bay Area Joins Forces at 2018 Annual Northern California Law Enforcement Recognition Luncheon One of MADD’s priorities is providing on-going support to law enforcement communities. Our ultimate goal is to eliminate drunk...