MADD is heartbroken over the senseless death of 4-year-old Marco Lee Shemwell as the result of an alleged underage drunk driver. MADD victims, volunteers and advocates in Kentucky and across the nation grieve with Marco’s family and the Lexington community. This crash is yet another reminder that drunk driving remains the leading killer on our roadways.
The University of Kentucky must acknowledge the seriousness of this tragedy by conducting a thorough investigation to guide meaningful change. The university’s actions to suspend the driver and the fraternity where he allegedly consumed alcohol is an appropriate first step during the investigation, and we applaud their quick response. Every life lost to drunk driving and underage drinking is devastating and 100 percent preventable. With so many options for transportation — taxis, ride share, buses and a non-drinking designated driver — there is never any excuse to drink and drive, and underage drinking is never a healthy or safe choice, even if you never intend to get behind the wheel.
MADD welcomes the opportunity to work with the University of Kentucky and colleges across the nation to prevent these needless tragedies.
About Mothers Against Drunk Driving
Founded in 1980 by a mother whose daughter was killed by a drunk driver, Mothers Against Drunk Driving® (MADD) is the nation’s largest nonprofit working to end drunk driving, help fight drugged driving, support the victims of these violent crimes and prevent underage drinking. MADD has helped to save more than 350,000 lives, reduce drunk driving deaths by more than 50 percent and promote designating a non-drinking driver. MADD’s Campaign to Eliminate Drunk Driving® calls for law enforcement support, ignition interlocks for all offenders and advanced vehicle technology. MADD has provided supportive services to nearly one million drunk and drugged driving victims and survivors at no charge through local victim advocates and the 24-Hour Victim Help Line 1-877-MADD-HELP. Visit or call 1-877-ASK-MADD.