Author: connecticut

Hamden SMART scheduled for 11/20 has been MOVED to the Hamden High School Auditorium, 2040 Dixwell Ave, Hamden, CT. When entering the school lot please bear to the left and go around toward the fields....

For 29 years MADD-CT has hosted one of the top events in Fairfield County. We look forward to having you join us for the 30th edition and help the programs and victims that MADD supports....

Tonight’s, Feb. 20th, Waterbury VIP has been cancelled due to snow. The next VIP will occur in Torrington on Feb. 27th. The next Waterbury VIP is on April 24th. Visit for more information or...

We thank Fairfield Ludlowe High School SADD for their continued support with the Fairfield Walk Like MADD.  Today students enjoyed their well deserved pizza party for being Top Academic Team for the walk...

The MADD Connecticut office will be closed the following days during the holidays, December 24, 25, 28, 31 and January 1. If you or someone you know has been impacted by drunk or drugged driving and...

Prepping for the Ferrara Fun Walk which will be taking place next week in support of the Branford Walk Like MADD! Each student will be receiving a goodie...