New Jersey
Help stop drunk and drugged drunk driving in New Jersey by contacting your state lawmakers below:
What is Bentley’s Law? Bentleys Law is an initiative led by Missouri resident Cecilia Williams and named for her grandson, Bentley, whose parents Lacey Newton and Cordell Shawn Michael Williams and their 4-month-old son, Cordell Shawn Michael Williams II, were killed in a fiery crash on April 13, 2021. First introduced in Missouri, the legislation requires drunk drivers who are convicted of killing of a parent to pay child support to surviving minor children.
Mothers Against Drunk Driving needs your help to advance lifesaving legislation Senate Bill 3011 and Assembly Bill 4800, which will help reduce drunk driving deaths by extending New Jersey’s 2019 law requiring ignition interlocks for all convicted drivers.
S 3011 and A 4800 saves lives. According to a 2018 Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, laws like S 3011 and A 4800 reduce drunk driving deaths by 16%. New Jersey is one of 34 states plus Washington, DC to require ignition interlocks for all convicted drunk drivers.