Rampant Media Coverage Regarding Concerns over Marijuana Impaired Driving

As the number of states allowing some form of legalized marijuana has increased, recently, there have been multiple media sources nationwide covering a variety of stories citing studies and/or trends which give way to concerns over how the drug may be impairing drivers.  Because of the volume of the number of stories we’ve seen, rather than share them one-by-one, we have gathered them here for you in a list format so that you can review them for yourself.

April 23, 2019: Half Of Marijuana Users In The US Think They’re Fine To Drive Stoned

April 25, 2019: Many drivers who test positive for marijuana have a child in the car, survey finds

April 26, 2019: Calif. company offers answers to impaired driving with marijuana breathalyzer

April 30, 2019: National advertising nonprofit behind Smokey Bear launches marijuana-impaired driving campaign

May 1, 2019: Survey finds more people driving high on marijuana

May 4, 2019: ‘Drive high? Get a DUI” campaign sees 737 arrested in 5 different states, including Missouri

May 6, 2019: She lost her daughter to a marijuana-impaired driver. A new campaign is tackling the problem

May 6, 2019: Some marijuana users think it’s OK to drive high. That worries police.

May 6, 2019: Father pushes for tougher drugged driving penalties after wife’s death

May 9, 2019: Riding High: How big a problem is marijuana-impaired driving in Florida?

May 9, 2019: Medical marijuana legalization brings questions about how Missouri will deal with impaired drivers

May 31, 2019: Three years into legal cannabis and California still doesn’t have a reliable test for driving while high
