Stephanie Manning, Chief Government Affairs Officer

 Stephanie Manning

Chief Government Affairs Officer

Stephanie Manning has specialized in traffic safety policy for twenty-five years. She has worked on both behavioral safety and vehicle safety-related policy, including the establishment of a national .08 Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) standard, and more recently legislation to mandate advanced drunk driving prevention technology. Stephanie began her career working with another traffic safety organization, and in that capacity worked alongside MADD on .08 BAC. It was during the latter stages of the successful .08 BAC campaign – back in 1999 — that MADD recruited Stephanie to open its Washington, DC office and serve as the organization’s Director of Federal Affairs. During her time at MADD, Stephanie worked closely with Congress and the Administration to strengthen policies for victims’ rights, and to secure funding for drunk driving and underage drinking prevention.

In 2004 Stephanie was recruited to serve as a Senior Policy Advisor for the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure. Stephanie’s portfolio included the authorization of programs for the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, and safety programs within the Federal Highway Administration. Her proudest achievements as a Committee staffer, acting on behalf of her boss Ranking Member and then Chairman Jim Oberstar, were securing increased funding for NHTSA’s traffic safety programs, and the establishment of the first long-term authorization for high-visibility law enforcement mobilizations.

In 2007, Stephanie left Capitol Hill to spend time with her family. For fourteen years Stephanie provided transportation consulting services to just a couple of clients at a time. As a consultant for MADD, she played a major role in securing Congressional endorsements in MAP-21 – and via the appropriations process – for the Campaign to Eliminate Drunk Driving. This included the authorization and funding for a research program on drunk driving prevention technology, incentives to states to adopt all-offender ignition interlock laws, and high visibility law enforcement programs. More recently Stephanie has led efforts for MADD to mandate advanced drunk driving prevention technology on new vehicles.

In January 2021, Stephanie rejoined the MADD family as an employee, now serving as MADD’s Chief Government Affairs Officer.

Stephanie lives in Loudoun County, VA, with her husband Drew, and their three kids Clara, Owen, and Vivian. In her free time, Stephanie enjoys hiking, live music, and spending time with family and friends.