December 2020 Officer of the Month
Sergeant Jaime Esparza
El Paso, Texas Police Department
Sergeant Jaime Esparza has been assigned to the El Paso DWI Taskforce for the last 15 years. He has been a leader and supervisor of the officers in the Taskforce for over 8 years. Sergeant Esparza is a true leader and provides support, training, and guidance to his team for the safety of El Paso.
Under Sergeant Esparza’s leadership, he has built an exceptional team who are out enforcing the law and keeping the roads safe. Additionally, Sgt. Esparza believes in community and his officers are crossed trained to educate the citizens on Texas DWI law and enforcement.
Over the years, Sergeant Esparza has been a great supporter and partner of MADD. He provides support at MADD’s Victim Impact Panels and supports MADD’s holiday campaign, Tie One on for Safety. He is innovative to change and is always looking for opportunities to grow his level of expertise in drunk and drugged driving enforcement.
Sergeant Esparza provides support to his agency’s Special Traffic Investigations (STI) unit on major cases like Intoxication Manslaughter and Accident Involving Injury or Death. Sergeant Esparza understands the protocols when obtaining evidence in these cases and ensures case law is followed.
In 2018, Sergeant Esparza was awarded the MADD West Texas Leadership Award – Community Difference Maker. Also, in 2018, he was selected to and attended the MADD National Law Enforcement Impaired Driving Summit.
MADD National is proud to recognize Sergeant Jamie Esparza as the December 2020 Officer of the Month. We thank him for his many years of dedicated service to the citizens of El Paso, the State of Texas and MADD. Thank you to Program Manager Vanessa Luna-Marquez in the MADD West Texas-El Paso affiliate for her nomination of Sergeant Esparza for this recognition.