NADCP Conference

In July, the National Association of Drug Court Professionals held the world’s largest conference for treatment courts and criminal justice reform. More than 5,000 people gathered at the National Harbor Convention Center in Baltimore, Maryland to take part in more than 300 sessions in more than 30 tracks.  Attendees also had the opportunity to earn continuing education credits, take a tour of Washington, DC and attend a rally on Capitol Hill.

I had the honor of speaking to the group along with ABC 20/20 Co-Anchor Elizabeth Vargas and 2016 Miss USA Deshauna Barber.

In representing MADD, I was able to thank the 5,000 who were gathered for the work that they do and tell them that MADD supports DUI Courts that employ the strategies of ignition interlocks, close supervision, frequent testing, and ongoing judicial interaction to integrate alcohol and other drug treatment services with the justice system.

As encouraging as it was to see so many people focusing on the issues, all of us know the battle is far from over. However,  through our shared dedication and willingness to fight against this scourge on our roadways, we will create a WORLD with NO MORE VICTIMS®.

Will you join me in making this world a reality? Give now to help us in the fight to End Drunk Driving.

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