Prisca Osunsan
On March 9, 2007, Prisca Osunsan’s older brother, John Michael Patrick, Jr. was killed by a repeat drunk driver offender. At a time when Prisca was getting ready to attend junior prom and was applying to colleges, Prisca was also dealing with grief and how to navigate life. MADD empowered Prisca to use her voice to speak out against the dangers of drinking and driving. Throughout her undergraduate and graduate years in Mississippi, Prisca had spoken at numerous church health fairs, fraternity and sorority forums, and college organizational symposiums. She also traveled around the state of Mississippi for the Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over Campaign.
Prisca currently resides in Texas with her husband, where she has been involved with Red Ribbon Week at various elementary, middle, and high schools, MADD national trainings for volunteers, the Safe Ride Home campaign with the Dallas Cowboys, and many more activities. Prisca plans to continue to use her voice throughout the community.
Prisca tries to encompass the philosophy of the quote John Michael authored for his senior yearbook, he authored this quote: “Everybody has a goal, but those who will succeed have a purpose.”
If she can convince just one person not to drink and drive, then she has succeeded with purpose. One person at a time, it will happen. We will accomplish our purpose.
Prisca has a Master’s Degree in Public Policy and Administration in Public Finance with a concentration in Nonprofit Management.