Author: connecticut

Arkie Koehl, a dedicated MADD Hawaii Advisory Board member, is the chair of Impaired Driving Emphasis Area Working Group for Hawaii’s 2019 - 2024 Strategic Highway Safety Plan, a NHTSA-mandated five year plan...

January 2017: Start of strong support and partnership with Leeward Oahu (Westside) victim families – including working on a Legislative measure to strengthen the negligent homicide statutes when the defendant has failed to render...

On Nov. 14, 2019 in Tamarind Park MADD Hawaii and its sponsors and partners launched the 2019 Red Ribbon Campaign. As part of its Tie One On for Safety campaign, MADD volunteers passed out their traditional...

December 2007: MADD and DOT submit report on Interlock to legislature on behalf of the working group. In January 2008 12 Ignition Interlock bills are introduced and MADD Hawaii conducts briefings for legislators. In...