Volunteer Spotlight – Sept. 2021 – Debbie Sausville

Debbie joined us as a MADD VA volunteer in April 2005, after the death of her stepdaughter, Lauren Grace Sausville. Lauren was 16, and had only had her driver’s license for 3 weeks, when she died driving impaired after an unsupervised, underage high school party where alcohol had been provided by an adult.  Read more here.

While Debbie has volunteered at Sobriety Checkpoints in Fairfax County and for MADD’s 24-hour victim services helpline, her primary contribution to MADD has been through her gift, and training, as a compelling public speaker. She has presented for legislators, offenders at DC and Virginia Victim Impact Panels, at schools, colleges, churches, and Law Enforcement Roll Call Briefings. Debbie was invited, on three occasions, to speak to military/NATO bases in Germany, Holland, Belgium and Italy.  She has also presented on behalf of MADD National at press conferences in the DC area.  Debbie currently serves as the vice-chair of the Fairfax County ASAP Policy Board.

Debbie says that she joined MADD “because I especially want to prevent underage drinking and, by telling Lauren’s ‘story,’ I hope that teens and adults alike will realize the consequences of drunk driving are not just getting arrested or losing your license.  Lauren paid the ultimate price for her mistake, and I want to prevent other families from losing a loved one – and part of their hearts.”

You can watch one of Debbie’s presentations here.