MADD Supporting Several Bills for 2019 Legislative Session
MADD Tennessee is supporting several pieces of legislation for the 2019 session that we believe will improve DUI laws and save lives in Tennessee.

We recently conducted a “Facebook Live Conversation: MADD 2019 Legislative Efforts” in which we discussed these proposed bills to explain them more fully and talk about why MADD feels they are needed. (Please feel free to go back and watch this informative discussion if you have any questions about these proposed bills.) We also hosted a MADD Hill Day where several supporters joined us at the Cordell Hull Building in Nashville to meet with legislators and ask for their support of these bills.
If you were unable to join us for Hill Day, you can still lend your voice in support by emailing your legislators to ask for their support of these bills. Just click this link, enter your address to identify your assigned legislators, and then email them to let them know you’d like them to vote for these bills. If you have a personal reason why these bills are important to you, be sure and let them know that as well. And if your legislator is one of the sponsors of these bills, please take the time to THANK them for sponsoring legislation that matters to you and that can save lives in Tennessee!
Each of these bills is important in our mission to eliminate drunk driving and fight drugged driving and we hope you will join us in continuing to work towards a future where there are No More Victims!
Follow us on Facebook at @MADDTennessee to keep updated on our progress and stay on top of any new ways you can help!
Thank you, in advance, for your support!