2021 Legislative Actions for MADD Tennessee

For the 2021 Tennessee legislative session, these are the bills MADD Tennessee is following:
HB0679 (Carr)/SB0246 (Massey)
As introduced, aligns penalties for boating under the influence with the penalties for driving under the influence; clarifies that the offenses of vehicular assault, aggravated vehicular assault, vehicular homicide, and aggravated vehicular homicide may be committed by a person boating under the influence.
This bill passed and was signed into law to be effective July 1, 2021!
Click here for more information and legislators to contact and thank for support.
HB0606 (Lamberth)/SB0652 (Bowling)
As introduced, requires a person convicted of vehicular homicide that was the proximate result of the person’s intoxication to serve 100 percent of the sentence imposed before becoming eligible for parole, with no more than 15 percent in sentence reduction credits; applies to offenses committed on or after July 1, 2021.
This bill did not pass for the 2021 session, but will be reviewed again in the 2022 session beginning January 2022.
Click here for more information and legislators to contact and ask for support.
SB0882 (Stevens)/HB1188 (Garrett)
As introduced, requires a court, in setting bail for a defendant charged with driving under the influence of an intoxicant or another offense in which alcohol was involved, to require the person to operate only a motor vehicle equipped with a functioning ignition interlock device unless such an order would not be in the best interest of justice.
This bill did not pass for the 2021 session, but will be reviewed again in the 2022 session beginning January 2022.
Click here for more information and legislators to contact and ask for support.
HB0150 (Zachary)/SB0157 (Briggs)
As introduced, broadens offense of property owner allowing an “underage adult” to consume alcohol to apply to all minors; sets a mandatory fine for convictions offenses related to providing alcohol to minors.
This bill passed and was signed into law to be effective July 1, 2021!
Click here for more information and legislators to contact and thank for support.
HB0683 (Beck)/SB0979 (Campbell)
As introduced, prohibits a local beer board from issuing multiple citations or civil penalties during a sting operation in which the beer board engages two or more minors to solicit or purchase beer from a permitted establishment.
This bill did not pass for the 2021 session, but may be reviewed again in the 2022 session beginning January 2022.
Click here for more information and legislators to contact and ask them to oppose this bill.