Author: connecticut

MADD SC was honored to once again speak at Fort Jackson’s annual Alcohol Awareness Sessions. MADD SC staff members Chris Phillips and Kimberly Cockrell spoke to approximately 1000 service members as...

Karetha Murphy, daughter of Viola Jackson of Lyman, SC, shares her Victims Impact Statement. These were the words she read through tears in court prior to the offender being sentenced.. January 20th 2017,...

As part of the MADD/NFL partnership, MADD SC staff and volunteers spoke to the newest group of Carolina Panthers rookies in May during their rookie camp.  MADD staff Steven Burritt and Chris Phillips...

MADD SC is happy to report that our underage drinking prevention programs are going great.  Our program specialist, Ashley Merrick, has been busy the past couple of months sharing our MADD...

Shared by  Cindy and Joe Bass, parents of Lisa Marie Sessions of Florence County, SC.  Lisa’s parents share with us their Victim Impact Statements read at the sentencing of man who hit their daughter head-on...

Unfortunately, S. 982, the all-offender ignition interlock device bill authored by Senator Hutto, did not receive full approval by the full Senate and therefore will not become law in 2018.  The South Carolina Legislature has...