Victim Services at the 2024 Walk Like MADD

By Theresa Paulette
The MADD Victim Memorial is at the Ewa end of the oceanfront promenade at Kaka’ako Waterfront Park. During the 5K Walk Like MADD walkers can choose to continue walking or sit for a while and gaze upon the beautiful Victim Memorial and blue ocean while reflecting on the lives that have been lost or seriously injured to impaired driving. They also have the option to write a message on a prayer flag to a loved one or the community. The prayer flags are hung in the ocean breeze during the walk and displayed at the end of the walk during a moment of silence. This year, throughout the walk, a group of about 15 victims found comfort as they sat in the shade, shared their personal stories of loss, and listened to the stories of others. It’s comforting to know you’re not alone.
Nicole Hutchinson, Brittany Cass, Theresa Paulette
Derek Cayetano, Ron Shimabuko and Maddox Cass.
The MADD Victim Memorial was dedicated on March 16, 2003, to those tragically killed or injured by impaired driving or other violent crime and to their families and friends whose lives are forever changed.