MADD South Georgia Honored by Local Nonprofit

Purses Inc., a nonprofit in Thomasville, presented a plaque to representatives of MADD Georgia’s Colquitt County Chapter for their participation in the organizations Prom Squad Operation that took place on Saturday, March 5th. MADD has shared its message of the dangers of drinking and driving at the event since its founding 3 years ago.
Prom Squad Operation, developed by Purses Inc., allows community members to donate gently used dresses, suits, and accessories to students attending proms at their high schools. The pre-prom event is free and included door prizes, beauty ideas, hair tips, and a collection of gently used gowns and suits for the students to choose from. The goal of this event is to ensure that every junior and senior has the opportunity to attend their prom and have fun without having to worry about the financial costs that often come with prom. Students that receive services from Prom Squad Operation are referred through their high school guidance counselor or other school officials, church officials, and community social service agencies.
Prom season is a crucial time for high school students and their parents to hear about MADD’s underage drinking prevention programs and for students to be aware of the dangers of drinking and driving and of getting in the car with a driver who has been drinking.
Angela Johnson, the founder of Purses Inc., was on hand to present the Colquitt County Chapter with their award.
Congratulations to the Colquitt County Chapter on receiving this honor and for their dedication to keep South Georgia’s roads and communities safe!