Elementor #603

PowerTalk 21 encourages parents to talk with their teens on not only the dangers of underage drinking but also talking about not getting into a car with a drinking driver. On August 25, 2010, Alexa Crosby was killed by a teenage drunk driver who lost control of their vehicle. First Selectman Melissa M. Mack proclaimed PowerTalk 21 day, April 21st in Suffield, Connecticut in Memory of Alexa Crosby as well as honoring her mother, Tina and sister, Taylor. Suffield Connecticut is recognizing Saturday, April 21st, 2018 as national PowerTalk21 day. MADD and Suffield Youth Services are partnering together to host a collaboration of our Power of Parents and Power of You(th) programs in efforts to educate, spread awareness, prevent underage alcohol consumption and drunk driving in their community. Tina Crosby, Alexa’s mother, will be speaking at the Power of Parents event being held at the Suffield Volunteer Ambulance Association, telling parents about the worst day of her life and urging them to have this lifesaving conversation with their kids while reminding them that no one is immune to this horrible offence. For more information visit, www.madd.org/powerofparents or our Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/MADDConnecticut/