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S.28/H.3008 are 2021 Legislative Priority

On January 12th, our Legislature convened to begin the 2021 session. MADD’s voice will be loud that drunk driving reform MUST be addressed this year. The failure to do so last year was a major disappointment. We cannot accept it happening again.

Fortunately, S.28 (Sen. Hutto) and H.3008 (Rep. Pope) have already been filed. These bills are like last year’s S.18–expanding Emma’s Law into an all-offender ignition device law. These devices have blocked 3 million drunk driving trips in the US since 2006 yet far too few have come from SC. We need this.

When the time is right (when bills are scheduled for hearings) will you join your voices together to let them know how much we need to save lives from this preventable crime? If you haven’t before, please go to and put your email in the section called Stay Informed so you’ll be sure to get our crucial Action Alerts when we need outreach the most. Let’s move closer to a future of #NoMoreVictims in 2021!