NEWS ALERT: Actor Vince Vaughn was arrested Sunday for allegedly driving under the influence


Vince Vaughn was arrested early Sunday morning for drunk driving allegedly. He was stopped at a DUI checkpoint outside Los Angeles, California between Hermosa Beach and Manhattan Beach around 12:30 a.m. as reported by CNN.

Thanks to the checkpoint, Vaughn was arrested before he could hurt himself, his passenger or someone else on the road.


“MADD is disappointed that Vince Vaugh allegedly made the choice to drink and drive. We are grateful to the Manhattan Beach PD for setting up a sobriety checkpoint that removed a suspected drunk driver from the roads where he could have harmed others or himself. Sobriety checkpoints save lives and this is another example of why they are needed. We urge anyone who chooses to drink alcohol to find a non-drinking driver to get them home safely.”

MADD’s Support of Sobriety Checkpoints

MADD’s Campaign to Eliminate Drunk Driving supports law enforcement setting up sobriety checkpoints as they are extremely effective in saving lives. The checkpoints are proven to reduce fatalities by 20 percent. As this case exemplifies, the checkpoints remove impaired drivers from the roads before they hurt or kill others.

Drunk driving prevention is key to MADD’s goal of a future with No More Victims® and sobriety checkpoints help immensely. Because of high visibility, the checkpoints have a strong deterrent effect, which means these discourage people from drunk driving due to a fear of getting arrested.

What You Can Do

If you live in a state which allows sobriety checkpoints, please call your local law enforcement office to see if they need you to volunteer at an upcoming sobriety checkpoint. Help MADD advocate for these life-saving tools, if you live in a state where checkpoints are not allowed. Call your local MADD office today to see how you can help.

Read More About Sobriety Checkpoints

Fact Sheet:

States with the Sobriety Checkpoints Law:

CDC Community Guide of Checkpoints:


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