Thankful For You-Law Enforcement

How do you even start to say thank you to the heroes in Law Enforcement? There will never be the right words to say thank you to the people who are willing to sacrifice themselves to protect us. But, today we are going to try to find a way to say thank you to the people who work so hard to keep us safe.
It takes an incredibly special person to make the sacrifice that the men and women of Law Enforcement make. To wake up each day and go to work in service of others. Without question, they are willing at any time to give of themselves to protect others. Day in and day out their lives are in danger. The work days, nights, holidays. They miss birthdays, anniversaries, kids basketball games and holiday programs. They do all of this to be out on the roads protecting us, making sure that we can all be at all of those things. For that sacrifice, we thank them.
Our heroes in Law Enforcement are constantly trying to eliminate impaired driving from our roads. The passion they have to end this crime is incredible. They see first hand the true cost of impaired driving. They know what it is like to stand at a front door waiting to deliver the worst news someone can get. They are the front line of defense against drunk driving and drugged driving. We wish we could thank them every day for the work they are doing. We know that impaired driving numbers are going down and we know that this is thanks to the hard work of law enforcement across the country. We also know that their job is far from done. There are still impaired drivers getting behind the wheel every day and we know that our heroes in law enforcement are out working to stop them. For that dedication, passion and hard work, we thank them.
MADD Nebraska knows that the members of law enforcement are often the first people that those impacted by alcohol-related crashes see. They save lives and they change lives in those moments. We know that they have to do so much and we know that they do it all with incredible compassion. They hold hands, give hugs, calm and comfort. The scope of their work goes so far beyond stopping impaired driving. For the compassion and kindness they show, we thank them.
Most of all, we thank them for making the choice to be heroes. It is not easy, it is underappreciated and it is so important. Thank you, for saving lives, changing lives, and giving your lives to help others. We are so thankful to you our incredible heroes in Law Enforcement.