Nicole Hutchinson
Nicole Hutchinson’s world changed forever on Sept. 13, 1996, when her little sister Darcie was killed by a three-time drunk driving offender. For more than 23 years, Nicole has worked tirelessly with MADD in several states, raising more than $250,000 primarily through Walk Like MADD events in Arizona, Connecticut, North Carolina, South Carolina and Maine. She has attended an average of eight to 10 Walk Like MADD events per year and worked with MADD locally and nationally to establish a chapter in her home state of Maine.
She has appeared in the 20/20 Hindsight Series depicting the devastating impacts of drinking and driving sponsored by the North Carolina Department of Transportation, Governor’s Highway Safety Association and MADD. She was recognized in 2014 as a Lenovo Community Champion at a Carolina Hurricanes game for her work with MADD in her community. Nicole has presented to the Carolina Panthers incoming rookie class, several victim impact panels, youth groups and local schools in North Carolina and Maine.
Nicole started a nonprofit in Darcie’s memory, The Darcie Hutchinson Foundation, to provide education programs based on the needs within the community of Houlton, Maine. A resident of Chapel Hill, North Carolina, Nicole has been a MADD volunteer in North Carolina since 2004, serves on the MADD North Carolina State Board, is a victim advocate, and serves as WLM co-chair in North Carolina and WLM chair in Maine.
In addition to working with MADD, she is passionate about mentoring women in business by serving on the WILL Board (Women in Lenovo Leadership) and the KNOW Committee (Knowledgeable Network of Women) with the Morrisville Chamber of Commerce in North Carolina. A graduate of Westbrook College, Nicole leads sales teams for a multinational technology company in North Carolina. She has been a challenge soccer coach for over 24 years, enjoys going to the movies and hanging out with her family and friends. She lives with her husband and two pups in Chapel Hill.