Colin Campbell MADD Board

Colin Campbell

Author and Director

Colin Campbell is a writer and director for theater and film. He was nominated for an Academy Award for Seraglio, a short film he wrote and directed with his lovely and talented wife, Gail Lerner. He has taught Theater and/or Filmmaking at Chapman University, Loyola Marymount University, Cal Poly Pomona University, and to incarcerated youth through The Unusual Suspects.

After his two teenage children were killed by a drunk and high driver in 2019, he wrote a book about grief and grieving, titled, Finding the Words: Working Through Profound Loss with Hope and Purpose. It was published by Penguin Random House in 2023. He wrote and performed a one person show titled, Grief: A One Man ShitShow which premiered at the Hollywood Fringe Festival and then ran for a month at New Yorks Theatre Row. His writing has appeared in The AtlanticThe Los Angeles Times, and He has been interviewed on dozens of podcasts, including Bari Weiss’ Honestly, the Dougy Center’s Grief Out Loud and Lisa Keefauver’s Grief Is a Sneaky Bitch. Most recently, he was a keynote speaker at The Compassionate Friends annual National Conference.

He lives in Los Angeles and sometimes Joshua Tree with his wife Gail and the two teenagers they are in the process of adopting.