In 1999, a dream was born to give our community a victim memorial to remember individuals who were injured or who had lost their lives in impaired driving crashes. In 2003, MADD Hawaii dedicated a...
In an effort to stay abreast of current issues in the community, the MADD Hawaii Advisory Board invited Sgt. Thomas Billins of the Honolulu Police Department to be a guest speaker at its monthly meeting....
Shared from a MADD National Blog Post Hosting a Party or Going Out, Make a Plan to Keep Everyone Safe DALLAS — As Super Bowl partygoers make plans for watching the big game on Sunday, Mothers Against Drunk...
Consider... Every day 32 people are killed in drunk driving crashes or every 45 minutes someone is killed. 2 out of 3 people will be impacted by...
MADD Hawaii Celebrates 36 Years of the Designated Driver Red Ribbons To Be Displayed on Cars for Tie One On for Safety Campaign The holidays are one of the most dangerous times on our nation’s roadways, with...
Alex Otte, Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) National President will be visiting Hawaii to share her personal story as a victim of an impaired driving crash. She will also discuss information on MADD’s efforts as...
During the Labor Day holiday period, we typically see an increase in drunk-driving deaths – and that’s why you’ll likely see more law enforcement on the roads. Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over, which runs...