Archives: Candle
Our son was killed by a wrong way drunk driver in September of 2016. We have spent each Christmas season remembering Anthony. Thanking God for 21 years we had with him. Of course everyday is...
I light this candle in honor of my son, Joshua Keith, whose life was taken on December 12, 2010. We all miss and love you each and every day.
My sweet son,we miss your infectious laugh and smile. Those huge hugs. Those I love you momma text. We will love and cherish your memory forever. Forever23
You're missed and thank you for watching over us. Chris has grown into a wonderful young man and I know you're proud. Continue to rest in peace, you're loved ❤ and missed daily.
You were taken when I was a baby and knowing you have been difficult these past few years as I am now a young man. I feel your presence daily and knowing that you are...
"All the darkness in the world cannot extinguish the light of a single candle" -Francis of Assisi "Stop lighting candles, Cynthia, before you accidently burn the whole house down" - Maria Hagain to me...
To our forever 21 who was taken to soon. We will love you always and we thank God for those 21 years He allowed us to be part of your life. There is not one...