MADD Around Virginia May/June 2017 Fairfax County MPO Clinton Beach, Washington Regional Alcohol Program ( WRAP) President Kurt Erickson, MADD Sr. Victim Advocate Noreen Dinndorf, MADD Speaker David Kelly and Fairfax County Police Pfc Sergio Andrade at a MADD Roll Call presentation to Law Enforcement preparing for a sobriety Checkpoint in Fairfax. Photo credit: George Evans. MADD provided Underage drinking prevention materials in Spanish for an ESOL Parent Engagement event in Chesterfield. MADD Volunteer Susan Cleveland presented a Power of Youth workshop in Leesburg. MADD Power of Parents materials at a FRESH Prevention Coalition event in Rocky Mount. Volunteer Joshua speaking to Washington Redskins Rookies in Ashburn, VA. MADD at a AAA Mid Atlantic Senior Safety Day event in Henrico.