We know what it takes to end drunk driving, fight drugged driving and educate the next generation of drivers. But we still need help to reach the day that no one experiences a broken heart due to impaired driving.
Answering the call for help is at the heart of Mothers Against Drunk Driving’s mission. Whether you have questions or have suffered the ultimate loss of someone you love, you’re not alone. We’re here for you and we will help you.
Behind every drunk and drugged driving statistic is a person whose life was full of family and friends, love and life, joy and laughter. Mothers Against Drunk Driving has several ways you can help create a future of No More Victims®.
At Mothers Against Drunk Driving, we’re focused on one goal: ending impaired driving for good. Since our founding, we've served as a lifeline for thousands of victims and survivors, and drunk driving fatalities have been cut in half — but we refuse to stop there. Together, we can end this 100% preventable crime.