Victim Services Specialist, Katie Cameron, Witnesses the Heartbreaking Ongoing Impact of Impaired Driving
MADD Tennessee Victim Services Specialist, Katie Cameron, works closely with victims and survivors of drunk and drugged driving crashes as well as underage drinking incidents. She is there for them as early as the first devastated call immediately following a crash; when they call with questions or frustrations in the middle of a criminal justice process; or in the weeks, months, or years later as they work through life in the aftermath of a crash.

Recently she visited one of our youngest survivors and shared these heartfelt thoughts:
“This is me today with one of the most beautiful humans I have ever known. Maddie was hit by a drunk driver and paralyzed over a year ago. Her beautiful young mother Stacy was killed in the same crash. I have been BLESSED to walk alongside her beautiful grandmother Rebecca for the past year +, as she has mourned her daughter and taken on the role of parent for Maddie and her brother Gage. Maddie is now in the hospital with complications from chest congestion. Please pray without ceasing. My ridiculous smile is NOT because I am happy about the situation because I am most certainly not. This smile is because I am in the presence of greatness when I am near Maddie and her beauty and her bravery.”
Rebecca expressed her appreciation for Katie as well, “Thank you, Katie Cameron, for always being there for our family.”
Please remember, no one ever intends to get in a drunk or drugged driving crash, but the consequences are very real. Always plan ahead for a safe way home to protect yourself, your loved ones, and families like Maddie’s.
If you are a supporter of MADD, please know how much it means to these families that you make it possible for MADD to be there when they need us!