Vertical License Law Passes
A new law SB0384/HB0397 requiring drivers licenses for drivers under age 21 to be formatted vertically, passed unanimously in the Senate in March and passed in the House on May 9, 2017, by a vote of 83-1. It now heads to the Governor’s desk for a signature and will likely become effective this summer. The law, sponsored by Senator Becky Duncan Massey (R) and Representatives Bill Dunn (R), William Lamberth (R), Bryan Terry (R), G.A. Hardaway (D), Jeremy Faison (R), Rick Staples (D), Gary Hicks (R), Barry Doss (R), Andrew Farmer (R), and Mark White (R) was designed to further combat the problem of underage drinking. The new license format, which makes it more obvious that a patron is under 21, is intended to reduce the number of underage drinkers being served at bars, restaurants, and stores that sell alcohol.
MADD is grateful to our lawmakers for their support of legislation that helps to protect Tennessee’s youth! If you would like to send a note of gratitude, click here to search for contact information for your local state senator and/or representative,