Questions about Attending a MADD VIP (Victim Impact Panel) Class in Tennessee
Note: These policies apply only to Tennessee VIP Classes. If your VIP class is in another state, please follow this link to contact the correct office.
How do I find out if there is a class near me? Click here to search for a class near you. Enter the city or zip code by which you want to search to see a listing of the all the classes offered near you. After you click enter, you even have the option to adjust the radius of the search (# miles) to narrow or widen your search. If you are near the border of Tennessee, your search may even offer you options outside the state. (Most courts will allow you to attend a MADD VIP in another state if it is more convenient, but you should double check with the court where you were sentenced to verify that an out-of-state VIP class would be acceptable.)
Do I need to reserve a spot to attend a class? We highly recommend that you pre-register and pre-pay to guarantee your seat at the class. You may pay online with a credit or debit card. If you do not have a credit or debit card, you may still pre-register and select “on-site payment” to pay on the night of the class. ONLY Money orders will be accepted as payment on the night of the class. Click here for On-Line Pre-Registration Instructions.
An email is required for On-Line Pre-Registration. What if I don’t have an email address?
You may register and pay on the night of the class. However, we recommend you arrive as close to the starting time for registration as possible in order to ensure a spot. In the event that the room comes to full capacity, those who are pre-registered/pre-paid would be given first priority for attendance and after that admittance would be given on a first come, first served basis.
If I pre-register, what time do I need to show up for my class?
Even if you pre-register, you will still need to show up at the time indicated for registration for the location where you will be attending a class. It takes time to check-in all those who have pre-registered in addition to those who will be registering on-site. Should the room come to full capacity, you would need to make sure that you were there for the registration period so that we can verify that all pre-registrants are present or you could risk losing your spot to an on-site registrant.
What if there are no classes available before my court date at the location where I want to attend?
You may check other locations for times and dates that fit your needs. See the instructions above for how to search for classes near you. Then, click each location, one-by-one, to check for dates and search for one that is offered in the timeframe you need. We do NOT offer special classes. Classes are only offered at the dates and times published. If necessary, you may need to consider attending a MADD VIP class in another state, if the court will approve it. We also have a MADD Online VIP class available that can be taken at your convenience. Click here for more information.
I clicked the location I want to attend but there are no classes listed. Why?
If no classes are listed after you click the location, we are not able to host in-person classes at that location due to Covid-19. You can try searching another location for available classes or check back later. We will update each location’s page with date/time options as classes become available.
Why won’t it let me pre-register online for a class that is listed?
Online registration for each panel closes 24 hours before the class is scheduled to begin.
What do I do if I can’t pre-register online?
If you are unable to pre-register online or if registration has already closed:
o You may register and pay at the door with a money order for $40 on the night/day of the event, as long as space permits.
o Do NOT call our office to ask about space availability. That information will not be available until we see how many walk-up or on-site registrants are attending.
o If you must register at the door, you should arrive at the start of the posted registration time for your best chance at acceptance into the class.
o We do NOT accept registration by phone.
Is there an online version available?
Yes, MADD does offer an online VIP class. Click here for more information about the class and how to sign-up.
Is there a Spanish class available?
Yes, the Nashville location does offer a Spanish class. The class listing will say English/Spanish if it is offered in Spanish. We also have MADD Online Spanish Victim Impact Panel class available which can be taken at your convenience. Click here for more information.
Are there special classes for court ordered minors?
No. Court ordered minors may attend any regularly scheduled Victim Impact Panel class, but must be accompanied by a parent/guardian if they are under 18.
Do you offer fee waiver?
No, we are non-profit and cannot offer fee waiver for our programs, not even for those declared indigent by the court.
Do you accept checks or cash?
No. For on-site payment, we can only accept money orders. For online pre-registration and pre-payment, we accept credit/debit cards,.
Will I get my VIP certificate for the court the day/night I attend the class?
Yes. At the end of the class, you will be given 2 copies of your receipt/certificate. One is yellow and one is pink. The yellow one is for you to submit to the court (or your probation officer or attorney) as proof that you have completed the program. The pink copy is for you to keep for your own records as proof that you completed the program. If you need to provide copies to additional sources such as the DMV, feel free to make as many photocopies of your certificate as you need, but ALWAYS keep the pink copy for your own records.
What do I do if I lose my VIP certificate and need another copy?
There is a $25 fee for a replacement certificate if you attended a MADD VIP class in Tennessee.
Click here to pay online using a credit/debit card for your replacement certificate for a class you attended in Tennessee. If you pay online for your duplicate certificate by credit/debit card, it will be mailed within 3-10 business days assuming our staff can verify your attendance. (For those who attended a MADD Victim Impact Panel prior to 2016, we may need additional time to locate your attendance information.)
Click here for instructions if you do not want to pay online and prefer to pay by money order for your replacement certificate for a class you attended in Tennessee. Please allow 2-4 weeks to receive your replacement when using this method.
Note: If you attended a VIP class in a state other than Tennessee and need a replacement certificate, you will need to contact the MADD office in the state where you attended the class to inquire about their replacement certificate policies and procedures.Click here to locate a MADD office in a state other than Tennessee.
Is this DUI school?
No. If you have been ordered to attend DUI school, that is separate from a MADD Victim Impact Panel class. Some judges will order offenders to attend a Victim Impact Panel class. Some will order offenders to attend DUI school. Depending on the charges, some may order offenders to attend both. You will need to be clear about exactly what the judge has ordered you to do in order to fulfill your sentencing requirements. If you are unsure, contact your attorney, probation officer, or the court to clarify your requirements.
How will I know if a class has been cancelled due to weather or COVID-19?
We always recommend you check our website on the day of the class. If a class has been cancelled for any reason, it will be postedhere.
Can I attend a Victim Support Group?
No. VICTIM SUPPORT Groups are intended to provide emotional support to those who have been negatively impacted by a drunk or drugged driving crash. It is NOT a meeting for DUI offenders (those who have been charged, arrested, or convicted of DUI or other alcohol or drug related offenses.) The only class MADD offers for DUI offenders who have been court ordered to attend, is the Victim Impact Panel (VIP). You can go to to register online and/or find information regarding dates, times, and locations for MADD VIP classes across the state.