News Alert: Alleged Drunk Driver Released After 11th DUI Arrest
Statement: “MADD always expects drunk driving offenders to be held fully accountable. We hope alleged offenders like Busby will be held accountable to the fullest extent of the law in the future. Consequences = the incentive to make the right choice.”
The Case: In Tennessee this week, police arrested an alleged drunk driver for a possible 11th DUI. He bonded out of jail on November 13 and MADD Tennessee is concerned about him being out on the roads again with the opportunity to drink and drive. Click the video below to learn more about this story:
The Facts: Tennessee does have an all-offender ignition interlock law, but unfortunately, it is not always enforced. As MADD TN State Program Director Phaedra Marriott-Olsen said, “It’s frustrating to me because law enforcement is doing the right thing. Law enforcement is keeping the person off the highway.”
But sadly, their efforts are not consistently backed by consequences. Click here to get a local police officer’s perspective on this story.
What You Can Do: Partner with MADD as a court monitor to represent in the courts our mission to keep the roads safe. Learn more here.