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Lee County Reception: Law Enforcement & Community Recognition

Victory Layne Chevrolet 3980 Fowler Street, Fort Myers

Join Mothers Against Drunk Driving and Victory Layne Chevrolet announces the Lee County Reception to recognize law enforcement and community nominees in Lee County. At the reception, nominees from the county will be invited to join dignitaries and other community leaders to be recognized. Each nominee will receive: A custom challenge coin HGN pen and… Continue reading Lee County Reception: Law Enforcement & Community Recognition

2019 Event Sponsorship and Partnership Packages

2019 Sponsorship & Partnership Opportunities Help us hit a grand slam home run for safe and sober roads. Contact Lori Burke at [email protected] or 239.791.7560 for additional inquiries. For all our 2019 Sponsors and Partners, please scroll below. 2019 ALL SPONSORSHIP AND PARTNERSHIP OPPORTUNTIES https://online.flippingbook.com/view/214528/ 2019 WALK LIKE MADD & 5K SPONSORSHIP AND PARTNERSHIP OPPORTUNITIES… Continue reading 2019 Event Sponsorship and Partnership Packages


Join Mothers Against Drunk Driving in Southwest Florida... ...to honor and appreciate our community’s law enforcement, first responders, state attorneys, teachers, nonprofit professionals, media experts and others who work and volunteer for a future of #NoMoreVictims of drunk and drugged driving as well as underage drinking. Nominations open on New Year’s Day and close on… Continue reading FIFTH ANNUAL LAW ENFORCEMENT AND COMMUNITY RECOGNITION PROGRAM