Join Mothers Against Drunk Driving in Southwest Florida…
…to honor and appreciate our community’s law enforcement, first responders, state attorneys, teachers, nonprofit professionals, media experts and others who work and volunteer for a future of #NoMoreVictims of drunk and drugged driving as well as underage drinking.
Nominations open on New Year’s Day and close on March 31, 2019. The nomination period will be followed by appreciation receptions.
To nominate someone, visit
This year, we will host appreciation receptions in each county MADD Southwest Florida serves; Lee, Collier, Charlotte, Hendry and Glades counties.
At the receptions, nominees from the county will be invited to join dignitaries and other community leaders to be recognized.
Each nominee will receive:
- A custom challenge coin
- HGN pen and padfolio sponsored by Victory Layne Chevrolet
- Dry-fit T-shirt
- Certificate.
Top honorees in each category will receive an award and will be announced at the appropriate county reception.
- Organizer: MADD SWFL
- Phone: 239 791 7560
- Email:
- Website: