NATIONAL TEEN DRIVER SAFETY WEEK IS OCTOBER 20-26, 2019~ FLHSMV reminds teens, parents and educators to focus on driving to Arrive Alive. ~TALLAHASSEE, Fla. – The Florida Department of Highway Safety and...
Category: Hit and Run
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE March 13, 2019 Contact: Lori M Burke, MADD [email protected] | 239.791.7560 When You Drink and Drive, Luck is Never on Your Side Plan Ahead Before Your St. Patrick’s Day Festivities...
Reprinted with the approval of the Florida Highway Patrol. DHSMV URGES MOTORISTS TO NEVER DRIVE IMPAIRED ~ As Floridians and visitors travel across the state this Spring Break, DHSMV reminds motorists to always...
#1 on Super Bowl Party Checklist: Designate a Non-drinking Driver Almost Half of Traffic Deaths on Super Bowl Sunday Caused by Drunk Driving; MADD Provides Tips for Safe Celebrations
Reprinted with the approval from the Florida Highway Patrol. We know that many times, the reason a motor vehicle driver who causes a crash leaves the scene is because of impairment. High and...