Give to MADD for North Texas Giving Day
The 13th annual North Texas Giving Day, powered by Communities Foundation of Texas, opens with early giving on September 1, and concludes September 23, 2021 at midnight, offering virtual and socially
distanced ways throughout the campaign to support and celebrate local nonprofits.
“North Texas Giving Day started as an online-only event, which is so helpful in these times of stay-at home orders and social distancing,” says Susan Swan Smith, Chief Giving Day Officer at Communities Foundation of Texas. “Everything – from donating, to volunteering, to just simply celebrating nonprofits who support our community every day, but especially now – can be done safely, online on North Texas Giving Day.”
The flagship giving event that has buoyed the community for 11 years will play an even more critical role this year, helping to offset two canceled fundraising seasons and the enduring, increasing community
needs spurred by COVID-19.
Even during the pandemic drunk driving numbers have not gone done. Give now to help us continue our life saving mission and help those victims that have been impacted by this violent crime.
Give to MADD North Texas at