Working Through Your Healing Journey During Spring
Working Through Your Healing Journey During Spring
By R. M. Carkhuff
Spring is here and with it comes reminders and triggers that impact our healing journey.
This spring, if you are finding it difficult to work through your grief, you can try some of these ideas at your discretion:
- Transformative Grief suggests going outside and observing your surroundings. Write down one sound you hear, or one thing you see like a flower blooming or a branch that has started to bud with new leaves, or maybe even something you smell like fresh grass or wet pavement after an April shower. At the end of the week, look back at each thing you wrote and reflect on them. Were you able to find comfort, or even hope, from these experiences?
- Capital Caring notes that participating in activities such as walking, cycling, hiking, gardening, or a yoga or dance class can help improve the mind-body connection. They also note that while doing these activities, trying to utilize our five senses can help our brain recover from events that have caused grief or stress. For instance, focusing on the sun on your face while you walk, or counting your steps on your hike.
- If you are unable to get up and get out this spring, that is okay, too. Journaling is a helpful way to work through grief when you cannot bring yourself to do anything strenuous or that involves too much thought or preparation. The Mindfulness & Grief Institute has some helpful tips on how to journal regarding your grief.
Remember that your grief is personal and valid. Whatever you are feeling, and how you are feeling it, is personal to you and is not “wrong” or “bad.” The ways in which you cope are also yours and no better or worse than anyone else’s. We hope these ideas are helpful and healing for you, and it is okay if they are not.
Our monthly virtual support group is open to all MADD victims and survivors in the Mid-Atlantic region. It meets on the last Thursday of the month via Zoom. The group offers dedicated time and space for victims and survivors impacted by impaired driving. Folks can share their experience, listen to others, and support one another.
These meetings are at no cost and participation is voluntary.
You are welcome to join us, we are honored to be a part of your grief and healing journey.
The next meeting is on April 27, 2023, at 6:00 p.m. Join us here: