Virtual Kickoff for Tie One On for Safety

MADD Hawaii launched 2020 Tie One On for Safety in partnership with DTRIC Insurance and First Hawaiian Bank. In lieu or our traditional in-person kickoff event in downtown Honolulu, Becker Communications hosted a Virtual Press Conference. Our speakers included leadership for first responders along with a heartfelt message from Lisa Hyatt whose father was killed in an impaired driving crash in 2018. Each participant produced and provided a short PSA to help us share the message throughout the season.
You may pick up Red Ribbons at the following locations – statewide!
NAPA Auto Parts, Aloha Island Mart and Hawaii State Public Libraries.
If you drink, don’t drive and if you drive, don’t drink!
You may watch the 27 minute long Virtual Press Conference here.
The partner PSA’s (a 4 minute compilation) inviting all to Tie One On for Safety this holiday season can be watched here.