MADD Presidents Share Their Personal Stories

They’ve all served as presidents of MADD, but rarely do these mothers – and a father – get the opportunity to gather together to share their stories at once. Each president’s life has been changed because of a drunk or drug-impaired driver.
For a local perspective… Theresa Paulette, MADD Hawaii’s Victim Services Specialist, shares these thoughts with her fellow board members:
This powerful video of six MADD Presidents sharing their personal stories of loss was tweeted by NHTSA and shared by MADD National. This is why we are MADD Advisory Board members. Karlotta, Marilyn, and I know the grief of losing a beloved family member because of impaired driving. Carol (MADD Hawaii’s founding member) and I know the 6 presidents featured in this video and 4 of them have visited MADD Hawaii: Karolyn Nunnallee, for our 15th Anniversary at Washington Place; Wendy Hamilton, for the dedication of the MADD Victim Memorial; Jan Withers, to attend the MADD Cab Affair and Helen Witty, for our 35th Anniversary. Thank you for all you do for MADD!