MADD New England Spreads Hope for a Safe Holiday Season and Offers Resources to Victims in the Northeast
Mothers Against Drunk Driving Launches 2020 Tie One On for Safety Red Ribbon campaign

East Haven, CT – The holidays are among the most dangerous times on our nation’s roadways, with more people traveling, an increased number of events where alcohol is served, and a surge in drunk driving. Between 6 p.m. Thanksgiving Eve through New Year’s Eve 30 percent of all traffic deaths, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), were attributed to drunk and/or drugged driving in 2018.
With so many options today such as Uber, taxis, public transportation and alcohol-free friends or family members, there is no excuse to drink and drive.
“Whether you’re traveling to holiday festivities or hosting a party, always remember your designated driver,” said Bob Garguilo, MADD New England Executive Director. “Everyone can help keep our holiday season joyous by planning ahead when celebrations include alcohol. Take personal responsibility for your own travel by choosing a non-drinking, unimpaired driver and remember to include festive drinks such as ‘mocktails’ for the designated drivers who are guests in your home.” “The statistics show that two out of every three of us, will be affected by drunk driving during our lifetime,” continued Garguilo. “If you have or know of someone that has been involved in a drunk driving crash, please know that Mothers Against Drunk Driving Victim Services is here for you”
Long after the crash, survivors, family, and friends continue to feel the impact. MADD Victim Services is here to provide you with emotional support but also assistance in a variety of ways after a drunk or drugged driving crash, all at no cost to victims and survivors.
Sometimes that begins by finding someone who can listen, someone whose shoulder you can lean on or whose hand you can hold.
MADD has trained victim advocates to provide services across the country. Our team of compassionate, victim-focused staff and volunteers are available nationwide 24-hours a day, 7 days a week, and can help you, your family and loved ones by:
- Providing you and your loved ones with emotional support
- Guidance through the criminal and civil justice systems
- Helping you prepare a victim impact statement
- Referring victims and survivors to appropriate resources for additional help
- Offering support groups in some areas
- Connecting you with other victims and survivors who have had similar experiences
- Providing you supportive materials on victimization topics
If you, or someone you love, has been the victim of drunk or drugged driving or the consequences of underage drinking, you can contact a MADD Victim Advocate, 24 hours a day, at 1-877-MADD-HELP (1-877-623-3435).
MADD thanks all law enforcement personnel who will be working harder than ever this holiday season to protect the public from drunk driving through increased patrols and Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over enforcement efforts. MADD appreciates their enforcement through high-visibility checkpoints and saturation patrols to keep our roadways safe. For safe party tips, visit