New and Improved Victim Tribute Pages Available

As many of you are aware, MADD has always offered victims a place on our website to create a personal Victim Tribute page to honor and remember those lost or injured due to impaired driving crashes or underage drinking incidents. We are excited to announce that MADD recently launched a new and improved Victim Tributes site! We think you will love the capabilities of this new system which:
- Will be easier to use;
- Will have the ability for victims to upload and share videos; and
- Will have a built-in system for victims to e-mail and share tributes with their friends and families.
However, by moving to a new system, this does mean that those tributes submitted over the years will need to be recreated in the new system. Those victims who created a tribute on the old system, will be able to still access their old tribute until September 1, 2017, when the old system will become inaccessible.
We understand this may cause an inconvenience for some of our victims and we apologize. However, we truly believe this new site will make honoring our loved ones so much easier and more effective in the long-run. To assist you and make this process as streamlined and easy-to-follow as possible, we have created a detailed instructional video and text on how victims will be able to move over their tributes to the new system at
If you have not previously created a Victim Tribute Page for your loved one and would like to, please go to and follow the easy step-by-step on screen instructions.