Ignition Interlock Information for Law Enforcement in Tennessee

To help officers who encounter drivers who have a device installed or who have been ordered to have one installed, we have gathered some information that may be helpful if a citation is needed for violation of this law.
The following TCA statutes may apply for violators:
It is a class A misdemeanor to:
- Solicit another person to blow into their device to start their vehicle
- To blow into a device for another person
- Knowingly provide a vehicle to a person without an IID when required to have IID
- First violation- forty-eight (48) hours of incarceration;
- Second violation seventy-two (72) hours of incarceration;
- Third and subsequent violation seven (7) consecutive days of incarceration;
It is a class B misdemeanor:
- a person who drives a motor vehicle without a functioning ignition interlock device installed as required by law all be punished by confinement for not less than seven (7) days nor more than six (6) months, and there may be imposed, in addition, a fine of not more than one thousand dollars.
Does not result in suspension or revocation of license.
This training video shows what a vehicle may look and sound like if it has failed a rolling retest and talks about extra steps you should take if you make a traffic stop and encounter a driver who should be using an ignition interlock device.