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San Antonio Walk Like MADD

Sat, October 23rd, 9:00AM

Mothers Against Drunk Driving Central Texas

Eisenhower Park

19399 NW Military Hwy
San Antonio 78257 United States

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  • Organizer: Mothers Against Drunk Driving Central Texas

We are deeply grateful for your generosity and support of Walk Like MADD.

Walk Like MADD is the signature fundraising event to support Mothers Against Drunk Driving’s mission to create a future of No More Victims®

The South Texas Walk Like MADD will be held at Eisenhower Park in 2021! The walk will start on October 23rd at 9:00 am central time. We look forward to seeing you in person at the Walk Like MADD event!

  • Organizer: Mothers Against Drunk Driving Central Texas